Like most websites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their journey through the website.
Although Google Analytics records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us. Google Analytics also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you but Google do not grant us access to this. We consider Google to be a third party data processor (see relevant section below).
Google Analytics makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Google’s developer guides. For your information our website uses the analytics.js implementation of Google AnalyticsUnder GDPR you have the right to contact ICO at any time. But if you have any issues then please bring it to our attention first.
Bookings are taken on our secure website. We use Truevo, one of the world's leading payment gateways to take online payments.